As in "Raiders Of The Lost Ark," There is buried treasure to be had--this one too, is not quite what you might think it is. And its value depends on the eye of the beholder. Is it the ornate, jeweled cup? or the plain and worn, wood cup of a working person?
The Squiddo Lens archive of the PotPieGirl tells a unique story. And if the die-hard explorer diggs deep and is thorough, he or she will find a brave heroine and a story both compelling and inspiring. But first one must locate the archive and exhume the entire historical treasure, examining the earliest artifact to the latest one. The treasure lies in their entirety.
There are labyrinths in the archive so don't get side-tracked, stick to the chronological order of things and deep secrets will be revealed to you. I preserved copies of each in RTF, carefully wrapping them so I could activate each of the tasty links later. There will be a sequel.
You will have to start at Squidoo. It is like the old busy streets of Cairo. You must ask around for information on the PotPieGirl. Once you find her temple you can dig about for her archive. Although a bit dusty, I am sure you can find it. Divided into months, it starts at August, 2007. Do not be deterred and do not dally about, I am also sure its value is soon to be realized, whereupon the now free tome will be whisked away to a university, or some such institution. Once you are in, be sure to examine it from front to back, make your rubbings and get out. Watch out for snakes, but for goodness sakes, get started!
travel via my squidoo