Dreamriver is the quiet, off-world sort of place that seems uninhabited. I realize it is a large place but I usually don't get much notice there. It was easy to set up and became a nice looking location, easy to navigate each time I return. Everywhere I travel to I see the blogger logo, so it must be a major player on the internet.
I just discovered Squidoo and therefore I have been drawn into its briny deep. This place has good resources and learning tools. If you translate its "lens" to "blog" you will see how helpful those resources can be to just about everyone. Be warned, it is as addictive as a new video game. Or, lets say, hot buttered popcorn.
BlogEvolve is the friendliest of all my places. Like a friendly pub, I can stop in there almost anytime and find someone to talk to. Warm and quiet, I have yet to suffer a brawl of any sort. One can bring up almost any subject and get friendly support and advice about it. It is a good thing there is no closing time, we have international patrons visit BlogEvolve.
Squidoo has the most educational facilities of all the places. And if you visit there you must look for PotPieGirl Besides being a delightful character she is an incredible teacher. Do not pass up this chance to meet her, she will inspire you. especially if you are looking for a work at home plan, she surely has that--a workable plan. And allow me to emphasize the word free. PotPieGirl is the queen of free stuff. There is eventually some costs but she is adamant about keeping stuff free for her "kids" (also known as newbies). As they grow to maturity she then teaches them about reasonable business expenses.
StumbleUpon is a roller-coaster ride of images and text through the internet. You hit the stumbleUpon button and rocket to the next site, give it a thumbs up or down and jet on to see more. Your likes are saved to return to, and your dislikes are marked to prevent a return trip. It is a delightful trip of information and images. Although, rarely, you can get shockingly rude sites, even though the safe setting is on. These you can report in order to clean up the town.
I hope you enjoy this selection, newly created and for your viewing pleasure. There is no government money involved in this endeavor whatsoever. Cheers!